Wednesday 22 October 2014

Have you had a foodgasm yet?

So inconsistent. So irregular. That's not what I thought I would be when I started writing my blog about food, travels and experiences. To be honest, I did so much during this time, like travel, and food and art, but I never got down to writing. I was encouraged when a few of my readers would call in or message to say "hey val when you writing again" but then life would overtake me and I would end up writing a few lines and scrapping the blog. 

But I am happy to tell you all ... I have found new love ! Not new but I have renewed my vows with my love. My love for food. I am officially wholly and truly in love with food. All kinds of my blog henceforth is going to be on my orgasms with food. 

I was on a months break in  Canada to just get away from my known world. Go into the unknown and find myself. But guess who I found.... Food. And I love it. During my trip I visited Vancouver. Whilst I did all the touristy stuff I decided to emerse myself into the culture of the place through food. Vancouver has a food truck culture similar to other parts of the US but their food trucks are stationary which is what makes it easier to find. 

So I logged on to Vancouver food tours and signed up for the most amazing food truck tour in the world. We met Lisa our food tour guide at 11.00 am in the morning. I was all nervous as I had never done such a tour before. What if I had creeps in my tour group or boring uncles. But fortunately Lisa was fun and we got along like a house on fire. Our group was made up of a Chinese man, an American couple - old man with a young girl.   (Hmmm I thought haha.. Judging val.. Damn). So wow small group. Interesting. All the focus on us! We had five stops to make on foot in a 2 km radius. I was excited like a little child to find new foods and taste new flavours. Allow myself to be
touched by food again ...(remember I was off it due to my stomach bug.... Hmmm so it was the feeling of being a virgin touched for the very first time... Madonna!! Hahah) 

Our first stop was Japadog - Japadog is a Japanese version of a hot dog. And one may think... Yuck...But I say wow! This food truck is visited by all top celebrities from around the world as the food here is simply outstanding. There were shrimp hotdogs, wasabi with seaweed hotdogs, fishy dogs, dried shrimp shavings on the top it was amazing. For the veggies there was a veggie dog with all the Japanese sauces. The hot sauce sriracha ( that happens to be the local favourite ) apart from the relish and the mayo. I had a bit so I didn't stuff myself as I had the other four more food trucks ahead on the tour. So far Japadog tops my hotdog lists.

Next stop: Mums grilled cheese sandwiches

This lady you see in the picture inspired me! I almost started my own food truck. Haha let me tell you
a story... She was a media expert and started catering for film crew. Because she got a hang of catering for large film crew sets she got tired and thought hmmm I want to spend more time with my family... Why not start a food truck. So she did. But today she is the best food truck in Vancouver with the best sandwiches in town. Her daughter joins her on the truck after school hours. This food
truck serves a sandwich called the sweet little val - recipe in the picture below. .... No she didn't start putting me in a bread and serving me. Haha I always thought If I were a sandwich I would be spicy but I guess everyone loves me sweet.  So go check it out. Most of her sandwiches are made from sour dough so they are healthy but the cheese oozing out of it ensures you get your fair share of calories.

As we passed through Vancouver downtown we saw a skating rink that turns into a dancing ring during the summers. Music is playing and people are just dancing. I loved that. I shook a leg or two whilst I passed by. But frankly I loved the concept to just randomly sway to music with you in the arms of your lover. How romantic. .... Guess I am a mushy little piscean...

Next up: Kaboom Box. Kaboom box is a truck which makes every dish on the menu from organic ingredients. Even the boxes he sells his food in is recyclable and natural material. Apart from being a good chef he was good looking too. I totally could have danced with him in that rink!

For the veggie fans this man had some amazing burgers called the Buddha burger. I went for the slow cooked salmon salad. It was to die for. One bite and it melts in your mouth. That's how fish should be cooked. Where the juices of the fish merge with the juices in your mouth and in the fish goes flowing gently through your food pipe and into your stomach. Wowowow ow .... Loved it.
And next door to kaboom box was an indian food truck. And in my mind I was thinking.... Oh no!!!! Butter chicken and naan bread.... But Sid the guy who runs the food truck surprised me. While he did serve us butter chicken and naan bread with kuchumber... The spice in it was perfect! In fact it tasted better than any I tasted in india ever. I went back for it. I couldn't have enough. 

Sid was an investment banker in London. He left his job to start a restaurant in London. But visited canada and decided to move here with a food truck concept. And look how happy he is. On his face you can see the satisfaction of making amazing food from the heart and selling it to the many foodies in Vancouver. - again, incase your wondering why I am getting into personal details here  ... Well I could totally imagine dancing in the ring with him too. Haha ;-) ;-) (winkwink) 

Ok last stop after a long walk through the bustling streets of Vancouver where art and culture merge together so seamlessly .... Was to the most amazing tacos in town. Tacofina. Parked outside a commercial office building this food truck was surrounded by rushed employees trying to get their lunch and bask in the sun while they eat. The tacos here are fresh, with crunchy vegetables, a dash of lemon and a hint of spicy Mayo. Loved it. An ideal snack for lunch time. 

So friends this was my rediscovery of food and my inspiration for starting my own food experience company back home in India. It's called Culinary Quest. The focus is on taking gourmet food to people and teaching them how to appreciate it. Largely got the evolved foodie and to take india on the world gourmet map by raising the profile of our chefs in the country. Watch this space for more!! The orgasm has just started.

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Hot Pepperpot and the Bihari from Guyana!

    Surprise surprise .... Guess what I found? Well cultured, classy and totally awesome fun loving Biharis from Guyana. Yes guys bite your tongue hard this is for real!

  1. I was introduced to this group of men who have descended from their origins in Guyana into Mumbai and guess what they are doing?..... They are helping construct one of the marvels of India as claimed by Anand Mahindra in his tweets..... The T2 ..... (T2 is our new airport in Mumbai. A world marvel)

    So first it's my duty to give you unpuds (from Mumbai / India) an insight into this amazing place called Guyana and it's culture and cuisine, or else each of you reading this will be .... What the hell is wrong with val... Now she is hallucinating about Biharis from South America... Has she lost it.... Well not really so.....

    Guyana, officially the Co-operative Republic of Guyana, is a sovereign state on the northern coast of South America. Although Guyana is part of the Anglophone Caribbean, it is one of the few Caribbean countries that is not an island. About 84% of the East Indian immigrants were Hindus, and their dominant sect was the vaishnavite Hinduism of Bihar and North India .... Yeah baby you read right! So they did migrate to other parts of the world apart from invade mumbai taxis and they turned out pretty well and cultured too.

    So some parts of their cuisine is very similar to Indians. They love spice too and have a lot of curries and roti. They also cook rice with beans and peas like we do. The one pot meal while not the national dish is one of the most cooked dishes. With its various versions, according to
    what type of meat, peas and other ingredients available, is a true reflection of the country.
    This weekend one of these, for a change cultured, Bihari men, who has successfully managed to get my oh so stubborn friend to fall head over heels for him invited me over for something called Pepperpot. A speciality dish cooked around celebration time especially christmas.

    The sound of lamb slow cooked overnight and cooked some more in the morning with a variety of spices and a bitter extract of cassava left me salivating that I had this big drool stain on my pillow when I woke up that morning. (Don't go eekes...most of you have it even without a pepperpot dish lure)

    The other guyanese guy made paella, and a Greek salad! Not bad though... Actually very nice! What's amazing is that these Bihari men from Guyana can cook! And they cook so fine!

    When I arrived The pepperpot was cooking away with little pieces of lamb floating in this dark brown gravy with a glitter on the top making u want to stop cooking it right there and just slurp it all in. But hell I had to wait for at least two hours before it was served with bread. That's how it is eaten with a cassava bread or roti. This place - Guyana has a strong British influence and hence most homes bake their own bread. Here in India, we had it with our very own pav but it was just as good.

    I was asked to not mix all the dishes together will serving yourself (like we usually do in India, sab le lo like greedy gluts), but to take one dish at a time and savour the flavours. First came the pepperpot with bread. As I swirled the bread into the stew I could already taste it just with the aroma of the dish. The lamb was soft and well cooked and melted in your mouth while the flavour of the spices - cinnamon, clove etc lingered on. "Yum!" Is what everyone said while they hurriedly rushed to take the next morsel in and swipe off the plate in complete silence. They say when u eat and there is complete silence on the table the food is really awesome. And it was one of those days as the bunch of people I was with can be extremely noisey. Noisey is also an understatement.

    The next was paella which was a mix of veggies and chicken, chorizo and prawns. Boy what taste. So simple yet so yumm. The Greek salad filled us up and enthralled the palate with that sprinkle of lemon juice, olive oil and garlic. The flavours were subtle and the fresh veggies were refreshing.

    Other favourites of Guyanese cuisine are stews, and Metemgie, a thick rich soup with ground provision, coconut milk and large dumplings, eaten with fried fish or chicken. They also bake a lot and enjoy favourite pastries such as cheese rolls, pine (pineapple) tarts, to name a few.

    It all ended with the ever so famous Val's chocolate mousse ;-) and I hope it matched up to the Guyanese Bihari fair.

    So cheers to them and their tribe in Guyana, they set an great example to all back home in India!

Thursday 26 December 2013

Bye bye 2013... Bring it on 2014

Those of you who have been following my blog must be wondering what happened to all those goan sweet making maskachaska?

And I am so proud to tell you all that I passed the litmus test of sweet making! Critiqued by the experts in the field own family elders... Guys I made guava cheese, marzipan, milk cream, Baath, rum cake, kulkuls, date and walnut cake, jujubes, and neuri...ya and I can't think of more.... Hahaha but each sweet was bit into by five top family chefs who made comments like .... Aaah this gauva cheese is like how the Goans make it.... Someone else cried, no but the East Indians make it better.... The third shouted marzipan needs more flavouring while the Anglo Indian said no no no this how my mum made it... It's perfect (and val goes smile smile smile) the rum cake they said didn't have enough rum though half a bottle was poured into it.... I guess that part I discount as the family is use to more than half a bottle each day... So that's why the taste wasn't strong enough or coming through. Haha and ahem ahem not to miss the racist remarks within ;-)

Well this year we started a family tradition of the big Christmas brunch with a secret Santa. And we did so well.... Reindeer bands and sangria added to the flavour.... Hmm no wonder they couldn't taste the rum in my cake. Haha

2013 for one, brought me closer to family. Taught me to respect, cherish and value family. It rekindled the love I had and from here on I promise to be there for each one of them in whatever way I can.

This year has made me a different person..... A person who has woken up from slumber ..... A slumber of life... I now see, real people, real friends, real colleagues and I have stopped being naive or believing everything I hear or see.... I realized there is more to everyone who comes into your life.... They seek a purpose...they seek a reason.... It's for you to see that, understand it and and accept it. Refrain from  believing that what we read in fairy tale books as children that people love u for u. They love u or are with you because of a reason.

I also learned expectation is the mother of all disappointments. The moment you expect something ..... Baby your never getting it!

My mum use to say,'don't be selfish' .... But I learned that in today's world you have to be a weee bit a little for yourself.... Love yourself.... And do what makes you happy.... And the whole world will follow u.

I also learned that your best friends are your pets. They love you and share your joy sorrow and pain selflessly like no other human could ever do. I love my puppies and I will give them all I have for the rest of their lives.

And finally no one can take you for granted unless you want them to...... So be strong express what you want, love yourself and respect what you have.

So 2014 here i come.... The new val... All geared up for a new beginning..... Living the phrase I coined for myself..."life is full of surprises... Live it"!

I promise myself to let myself go a bit next year.... Travel like a maniac, dance like no ones watching, and experience people in different shapes forms and nationalities. .... I promise my blog of experiences will keep you all entertained.... The new food I try, the new places I visit, the new people I meet and the old art I revisit...... 2014.... Bring it on!

Wednesday 18 December 2013

7 days to Christmas ...l are u ready to maskachaska;-)

And so as I promised you folks, here is the start to my Christmas sweet discovery journey. I will take u through a little fun take in Christmas sweet making. U will learn it as I do, along with me and sure if u just wanna ignore... Go for it!

Today I decided to make guava cheese. Now I know most of u are going to say.... What? Is that even a dish?? Is it a sweet? Is it a cheese? Is it bird, is it a plane.... Ok I'll stop here... This ain't no batman...

Well the Goans make a sweet called 'Perad' called guava cheese.  It's actually a Portuguese sweet, had during the festive season... Not like u cannot have it otherwise... And I decided to make it because I like guava.... And I like the Portuguese too ;-)

But my friends, this turned out to be one of the most most most difficult off all sweets one could ever make!! Along with the ingredients which is simple sugar, lemon and guava, they forget to mention, as part of the ingredients,  an extra arm and a leg and a neck too.

One has to keep stirring and stirring to get that thing into a ball like stage. Before it sets. But once it does and once it's cooled off its soooo ready to eat!

It's soft, filled with the taste of the guava, with a hint of lemon! One bite and there is no denying u will long for one more and one more and one more.

I hope this sweet of Christmas was the most difficult and that my other sweets are going to co-operate with me and help me accomplish my goal.

Watch out for the next one.... I am going to attempt two... Marzipan and milk cream. Wish me luck!

Thursday 12 December 2013

Confessions of a foodie whose caught a stomach bug

God are you listening? Am I fulfilling a penance of my past life karma? I love food. Meaning I really love food. Meaning if food was a man I'd marry him. And to be sitting at a table at Trishna with all the exotic seafood dashing across my eyes is torture of he highest order in my view. It would have been less painful to whip me with a whip of nails rather than have me sitting in front of a butter pepper garlic crab at Trishna smelling so awesome and delicious shine to the texture leaving my mouth watering and me salivating.

Then comes the tandoori rawas. One of my favourite fish, but no val u can't touch this! The smell of the fish and the masala was just starring at me saying "aren't u gonna try?" Just a little bit?" And I go like sigh! And I try! And my mouth is burning my throat is crying saying what the f...

Ok so u must be wonder why can't I eat. I can't because I caught this bacteria called Helecobacter pylori- a bacteria u catch through drinking water or through raw food. It hides in your system and gets activated regularly. It feeds on your heamoglobin. That's terrible. As u cannot eat, you throw up, and you run to the loo like a comet is falling from the sky at 500 Kms per hour. So there u go, not a great bacteria to have. Apparently it takes a year to get out of your system. Jeess I say that's disgusting.

I am devastated! I should just hibernate for that long. But hey on the brighter side I am pure from within. I have not an ounce of shit in my body and that a fact in everyway! Boiled veggies and yogurt make up my diet and I am loving it a each day passes by. And and may I tell you that I have lost 10 kgs and look like a million bucks. So hey I shouldn't be complaining. From a foodie I can go to a hottie and extend the facet of my blog ad start writing a single at 35 diary. I am sure that will be as interesting as my food escapades.

But yeah, I long for food a glass of wine and sometimes a bottle of chilled beer. Those are not too much to as. I am slowly but surely getting there. This Christmas will be a truly pure one. But I am going start my sweet making and will fill you in on every delicacy I manage to get on that amazing Christmas plate.

For more watch this lace guys!,